The SCK•CEN is a public utility foundation and one of the largest research institutions in Belgium, comprising 3 scientific institutes: Institute for Nuclear Material Sciences, Institute for Advanced Nuclear Systems, Institute for Environment, Health and Safety.
nuclear landscape

Nuclear research
& education
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK)
Universities carry out research and offer education that covers large parts of the entire scientific spectrum. Several nuclear courses are offered.
JRC Geel (Joint Research Centre in Geel)
One of six institutes of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center, focusing on the development, production and distribution of reference materials, the development and validation of methods for food and feed analysis, bio-analysis, isotopic measurements, neutron physics and radionuclide metrology.
Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network (BNEN)
A one-year master-after-master program in nuclear engineering. BNEN is organized through a consortium of six Belgian universities and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN. The primary objective of the BNEN program is to educate young engineers in nuclear engineering and its applications and to develop and maintain high-level nuclear competences in Belgium and abroad.
Production of radio isotopes
Institut National des Radioéléments (IRE)
A public utility foundation that is a major worldwide producer of radioelements used for diagnoses and therapeutics in nuclear medicine and one of the pioneers in the design, construction and management of environmental monitoring systems.
A global engineering consultancy company within the Group GDF SUEZ with more than 100 years of expertise in energy and infrastructure projects. Tractebel Engineering’s services cover the whole lifecycle of these projects, from feasibility studies to decommissioning.
Specialized in the service-fields to the nuclear industry, in industrial cleaning and sanitary cleaning.
Production of nuclear energy
Nuclear power plants
Electrabel: the company is part of the GDF SUEZ group and is active in the production of electricity and in the selling of electricity, natural gas and energy services to retail and business customers. Electrabel operates seven nuclear reactors: four in Doel and three in Tihange with a total capacity of almost 6 000 MW.
Management of used fuel
Synatom: a subsidiary of Electrabel, responsible for managing the nuclear fuel cycle of the Belgian nuclear power plants. Since 2003, Synatom is also responsible for the provisions for the dismantling of nuclear power plants and the management of the spent fuel from these nuclear power plants.
Nuclear transport.
Transport and forwarding of nuclear, radioactive and related material for the nuclear industry over all transport modes (road, rail, air, water).
Waste treatment & storage,
Treatment of radioactive waste and the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
Legal framework
Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC)
The main regulatory authority for the safety of nuclear facilities and activities, responsible for the development and the implementation of the radiation and nuclear safety and security regulations.
A subsidiary of the FANC to support it, in particular, with respect to health physics control.
Associatie Vinçotte Nucleair (AVN)
Offers technical support services that contribute to the protection of the people and the environment against nuclear, industrial and radiological risks. Promotes the dissemination of safety culture by developing the know-how through trainings, information sessions, publications, seminars and grants.
A certified inspection body of class I. Its main objective is to assure the radiation protection of occupational exposed workers in a nuclear environment, the public and the environment against medical, industrial and natural sources of ionising radiation.
National Institute for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (NIRAS)
Responsible for the safe management of all radioactive waste on the Belgian territory.
Professional organizations
Belgian employers’ organisation that represents the interests of, among others, the chemical industry in Belgium.
Belgian Nuclear Forum
Non-profit organization that comprises the majority of the nuclear industries and organizations in Belgium in the field of peaceful applications of nuclear energy, and represents the nuclear sector in the energy debate by offering information about nuclear energy and its peaceful applications.
Belgian Nuclear Society
A member of the European Nuclear Society ENS and a associated member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), promotes the advancement of science and engineering related to peaceful applications of nuclear energy.