Belgoprocess is actively involved in a number of local and regional initiatives to help the region develop socio-economically into a leading example for Europe.
in society
Belgoprocess cooperates intensively and transparently with local partnerships (MONA – Mols Overleg Nucleair Afval – en STORA – Studie en Overleg Radioactief Afval) where needed. MONA and STORA closely monitor the disposal of low- and intermediate level waste in Dessel and act as the voice of and for the local public in all local nuclear matters.
Nuclear Cell
Belgoprocess is part of the Regional Nuclear Cell (RNC). This cell represents the various nuclear companies, municipal governments in the region, the local partnerships STORA and MONA, the social partners and FANC and NIRAS as observers and operates as an information exchange vehicle between these organizations.
Belgoprocess sponsors various local organizations.